Original Sin & Total Depravity series–part 10

Nguyên tội và Hoàn toàn bại hoại

(bại hoại / depravity)

‘The witness of Scripture to the pervasiveness of this depravity is explicit. Gn. 6:5; 8:21 provides a closed case. The latter reference makes it clear that this indictment was not restricted to the period before the judgment of the Flood. There is no evading the force of this testimony from the early pages of divine revelation, and later assessments are to the same effect (cf. Je. 17:9-10; Rom. 3:10-18). From whatever angle man is viewed, there is the absence of that which is well-pleasing to God. Considered more positively, all have turned aside from God’s way and become corrupted. In Rom. 8:5-7 Paul refers to the mind of the flesh, and flesh, when used ethically as here, means human nature directed and governed by sin (cf. Jn. 3:6). Further, according to Rom. 8:7, ‘The mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God’. No stronger condemnatory judgment could be arrived at, for it means that the thinking of the natural man is conditioned and governed by enmity directed against God. Nothing less than a judgment of total depravity is the clear implication of these passages, i.e. there is no area or aspect of human life which is absolved from the sombre effects of man’s fallenness, and hence no area which might serve as a possible ground for man’s justification of himself in the face of God and his law.’

-New Bible Dictionary, I. H. Marshall, J. I. Packer, et.al. (Intervarsity) / Thánh Kinh Tân Từ Điển (UUC: 2009, tr. 1878)

(GSiV: Nguyên tội và Hoàn toàn bại hoại–part 1; A Few Confessions of Faith in VietnameseGospel Grace Versus Dead Religion–part 6Phúc Âm cho Cơ Đốc nhânPhiladelphia Baptist Confession of Faith–part 19; “Thế Nào Là Một Hội Thánh Khỏe Mạnh?”; Năm Luận Điểm: Ông John Piper–part 12)